Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Attention to detail

      Have you ever looked at the magnificent detail of a single leaf on a tree? The lines, the colors, the spotting? It is so incredible, it's as if a painter meticulously crafted each and every detail to perfection. I cannot believe how divine one single leaf can be. But then I think of all of existence. I start to ponder every detail in every single organism on this living earth. No two things are exactly the same at the molecular level. This, to me, is mind blowing. It is so insane how there is a universe inside of all of us, and we are all SO precious and unique.
      This reminds me, when I feel like I am not having the day I desired, and it is not going the way I planned,  I remember that each moment, like the details on the leaves, is special and will never be exactly the same ever again. So, even in the moments where life feels so unbelievably confusing, I can enjoy that feeling, cause it is unique to that moment...that precious, life-giving moment in time.
     I want to dedicate more time to noticing the absolute divinity in everything....and in everyone in my life. If every leaf is so beautifully crafted, how much more intricate is our entire body and existence? Sometimes, I feel so small, but then I remember how incredible each and every part of existence is, and that I am cradled by the connection to all things. Have a glorious, detailed day, friends.