Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I’ve been grappling with a very deep sense of existence lately. I am beginning to discover the root of all suffering and and I am truly getting the sense that I am in control. I am not in control of the events that exist within my awareness, rather, I am in control of my perception. I can decide within each moment HOW I want to experience this.

Have you ever walked away from a situation feeling utterly helpless and confused, and then a few months later, you can see how incredible that lesson was? You can maybe even see how without that moment, you wouldn't have recognized how great the present moment is. Sometimes in the midst of our confusion, our minds become even louder and even more convincing. But our thoughts are merely judgements upon the situation that fuel our suffering. What if in the moments that noise and chaos collide, we could see it as an invitation to inquire within and to seek something beyond our own conditioning and habits? What if the space in between moments is our greatest opportunities to truly grow. 

I am grateful to have seen such beauty, excitement and light within my life...and yet at the same time, a sincere recognition of when I do not see these truths. But I am learning that it doesn’t matter IF I can see that the only purpose of our life is to love, it still remains true. My perception of this world is the only thing keeping me from OR allowing me to recognize completeness. But I can change that in each moment and in every breath. I am in awe of those who have found this ticket to life, but I am even grateful for the journey to understanding that I am already here, and I have never left.

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