Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Let the magic happen

All I can say from my first week in Portland is Wow. I feel so overwhelmed with joy, it is truly hard to describe. I don't want to blink, I am afraid I might miss something. This place is filled with joyful spirits who rejoice artistically and it is so amazing to be a part of this beautiful movement.

I am sure I will miss a few things in trying to re-cap on this week, but I will do my best. The first day Jessica got into town, we got right into performing at an open mic. We went to Alberta Street Public house and sang 3 of our tunes. That night, we met some pretty amazing musicians, and wanted to invite them to jam with us later in the week. We exchanged contact info and marveled at the awesome unexpected night we had. The next night, we went back to the open mic we originally got out gig at when we went to the open mic the first visit to Portland. We thought it would be great practice again, and didn't want to drag out the ol' heavy keyboard again. They had a piano already there. So, we get there, and by playing this night, the same guy who hired us the first time in Portland insisted we set up a date. So, we got the date set for that gig. Then we went to a few shows and did one more open mic. All were successful interesting days. On sunday, we went to yoga, church and then had an insane potluck and jam session that blew my mind. All of these people we met within the week, came together, and made music. It was magical. One of the guys from the band we met played the fiddle. He went to Juliard, and came to Portland with a similar story. He was called here. Felt like he needed to be in a place that nurtured and cultivated beautiful art. During this jam session, we all went into a trance. It was moving and incredible to hear him jam out on the violin. We also bonded on our love for mandolin virtuoso Chris Thile and he told me he is recording with him soon. I about died. I obviously admire Chris Thile so much, and hearing this amazing violin player say he was working with him made my jaw drop. As soon as we can, we want to have him play with us on our music. It's all so alive here, I can't believe the talent in this area.
Tonight, Jess and I decided to do an open mic where we would compete to get a featured slot at the venue. We had a really wonderful time meeting all of the amazing musicians, but by far the most insane band that came in was the Novelists. They are a band from Reno, Nevada and they are in town for a few days. They are so solid and they sound pristine. They won the competition, but since they could not be here for the showing, we get to do it because we came in 2nd place! So, really we got the time slot! It's so cool. They are such nice people too, and we have a random mutual friend. While Jess and I were working on the ship, we met two singer songwriters named Kate Cotter and Grace Hutchinson who were taking their vacation to Alaska together. They were both from Reno, and I spent many nights picking their brains and telling them how I really wanted to start music as soon as I got off the ship. They were so helpful to us, I decided to stay in contact with them. The Novelists all know those two girls, and are dear friends of theirs. It's such a small world isn't it? So, we've got some amazing musicians to collaborate with....wow, here we go!

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