Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Do Roly Pollie's still exist, or did I just get taller?

11/4/11 Bali, Indonesia
Today was the most glorious day. A group of us took a 15 dollar taxi to a white sand beach the moment we were able to get off the ship. This beach was incredible. We got some snorkels and got to spend some time going through the water staring at the beautiful fishies. It was almost unreal. I didn’t want to leave. We didn’t have more than an hour, but you better believe, we were all basking in the delicious sunshine. The sand was painfully hot and it made us jump like crazy people trying to get to a cooler area. It was like the sand in Costa Rica....where you think you are fine....and then it slowly creeps up on you until you scram, jump and laugh at the same time.....haha. I enjoyed a large coconut water and spent the last few moments taking the whole day in. I was in paradise.
November 6th
Exmouth Australia
I guess when I think of Australia’s land, I think of the outback and dry desert sands with a beach. And that is exactly what Exmouth looked like. I was able to get some time off in Exmouth, even though I was on IPM. So, I jumped right into the water and continued to walk far out into the shallow warm waters and play for the day. The water was perfect and the company was even greater. A group of crew just sat outside and played frisbee with a really flimsy frisbee and enjoyed the sun. Not much to say about this port, except that it was an excellent beach day. The only thing that would have made it perfect would have been an australian bbq and some cold drinks ;)

November 8th and 9th
Perth, Australia
We had a drill at 2:30 in the afternoon, so it really cut into the first day in this port, which was kind of a huge bummer, so thanks cap’n :) Anywho, today we were to celebrate Eli’s 21st birthday and we took the train into Perth (we docked in Fremantle) and Eli and I shared some delicious Australian wine. We then went shopping and found some really cool vintage shops and great places just to look at things. I would have to say, Perth is very fashionable. Everyone I saw looked like they came out of an Urban Outfitters store. We went into one place where this chick was wearing these awesome combat brown boots (which all of you know I love) and I commented on them. She said, “oh these boots have seen the world, they are my trekking boots”. That made me smile, since I always call my boots trekking boots. To me, boots have to have a story, and so far my boots have alot to say because they too have seen the world :) We then wandered around some more and I went off by myself for a bit and went in to a great store where the ginger bearded manager greeted me with a perfect australian accent. He was so cool, he offered to play my favorite music. Since he didn’t own any Mumford and Sons or Led Zeppelin, he played some Bob Dylan while I tried on some clothes. Smart thinking, man ! He also told me of some places to go eat and go out! And, I guess Eli did some good research, cause the same places he mentioned were the same as where we were going. We then all met up at this amazing restaurant with all recycled material and organic food, called the Green House, and ate the most amazing meal. It was Tapas style, so we all shared bits and pieces of this glorious food. Every bite was sensational. I  tried this thing called black pudding (some kind of blood sausage) and some tomato gelatin (sounds gross, but it was good) and the best dish which was stewed chickpeas and pumpkin with a green chili yogurt. It was all divine. We also shared spectacular wine and good conversation. It wasn’t alot of food, and it was very expensive, but quite a change from Lido food (no complaints for the free food, but you know what I mean :)).
Then, we all went to a bar in Fremantle that was called Little Creatures, and it was an old warehouse turned into a bar. Overall, the night was a culinary and taste-bud delight. And a very happy birthday to Eli.
The next day, I got up really early with Sam, and we wandered around Fremantle and got some amazing breakfast. I got the best gluten- free breakfast ever. I was such a happy eater :) We didn’t have much time to wander, because all aboard was at 11:30, but it was nice to see the sunshine in the morning. That is something I am so looking forward to when I go home. Waking up to the sun ! :) Next stop, Melbourne


  1. Hahahahahahaha, boy do I remember that hot sand. So funny. We will have to return to Bali some day. Yoga retreat is calling me;) Sounds like your jouney continues to be amazing.

  2. Oh one more thing, what the heck does your title mean? hahaha
