Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Las Vegas and a little time at home

Well, I flew to Las Vegas a few days ago to spend some time with my family in this time of need. For those of you who don't know, my wonderful, beautiful grandmother passed away. Of all times, I feel like I need to count my blessings because I work every week on the cruise and have no more than two days off a week, so going home is near impossible. This week, and next week I happened to have time off becuase the christian charter brought on their own entertainment. It's so hard to lose a loved one, but my grandma must have known I needed to be here. I feel very blessed to be able to come home. After I see my whole family this weekend, I am driving back to California to see some familiar faces. Then back to Alaska with Shannon, one of my dearest friends. And then, before you know it, I will be off to my grand voyage to Asia and Australia.....Life is a gift. Savour every moment.


  1. So good to see you and give you a big squeeze!

  2. I love you so much Lex. xxxooooo

  3. So glad you're home with your Mom! I am so proud to be your's, Brandon and Loren's Aunt,

    I love You all so very much!!!
