Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Amsterdam Awesomeness

What day is it right now? Honestly, after 2 days of flying from Miami to Heathrow, Heathrow to Singapore, I feel really disoriented. Haha But we made it! And the Amsterdam is GORGEOUS! My room is HUGE and so is the ship (compared to the Prinsendam). We are all Jet lagged because night is day and day is night for us right now. We have a lot of rehearsal right now because in 2 days we have a show. H20; our lovely show about water. We have to re-block a lot of our shows because the stage has risers and a turn table. That should be interesting with clumsy me along with a rocking ship J Oh well, such is life. We travel to Cochin, India the day after our show. I never thought I would be able to say I went to India. Looking forward to exploring a whole new world. (can you tell I’m disoriented? I am being really cheesy…..wait ,that’s always)


  1. So happy you made it safe and I can't imagine how disoriented you are. I get that way just 4 hour change. Well, a whole new world - a little cheesy but cute and true:) This is the ship that dad & I and Raelon get to see you. So excited about that and to be able to see Alaska and see your perform again. I miss your beautiful singing:) hAVE A WONDERFUL NEW ADVENTURE AND SEE YOU SO SOON.
