Saturday, January 22, 2011

sea sick

What day is it even???
haha Sorry I have been behind on my blog friends. Ya see, I have caught the Prinsendam Plague….coughing and sleepiness errgggggg….and I really need it to cut it out soon cause we have a show in 2 days and I want to have a voice for it. But thankfully I live on a moving hotel and there is an amazing steam room I have had the ability to sit in for hours
J I also have been a bit behind on answering emails and such cause I ran out of minutes on the very expensive internet we have here….boo! Guess I will have to get another card! I miss everyone so much! Today we were in Belem, Brazil, but we could not get off the boat because we had rehearsal….and tomorrow is another sea day, so I am a little land sick and a little real sick. But I need some good vibes sent this way if ya’ll can help me out. J I will get better and better about updating the blog….for those of you who actually read it….you’re too kind haha


  1. Oh sweetheart here comes a big get well hug! Steam room sounds wonderful. Get better real soon continue with what your doing and you should. That trip to Peru sounds pretty inticing. It must be difficult to decide which side trips to take but you have so many to choose from so don't worry if you can't do the Peru one. Well sending you lots of love and get well hugs xxxxoooooo

  2. Hey Alexa! It's Judy, Jill's mom. I love reading your blog. I'm sorry to hear that you're under the weather. I hope you feel better quickly and you'll knock 'em dead in your shows! Take care and enjoy this adventure.
